Will you stand, or tie your shoes?

Here’s an interesting thought experiment for today: If Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had believed God when He said to not bow down to idols, but when the time came to stand for their beliefs, noticed that their sandals were untied and took that opportunity to remedy the situation, what do you think would have happened?
When the time comes for YOU to either take a stand or bow to the will of tyrants, or the peer pressure of the majority… will you discover that your shoes are untied?
It’s a tough question that requires fearful consideration. But be sure… a time will come when you WILL be asked.
Plan ahead.

Change begins in the mirror.

Change begins by first looking in the mirror and saying, “I will stand, I will speak and I will act.”

“We need to do something,” will guarantee that nothing will get done, and tyranny will prevail. Quit searching for leaders to save us. Unless that one person you are looking for, is looking in the mirror and committing his or her Life, Fortune and Sacred Honor to the cause of freedom, you will never find that leader.