Life, Fortune, Honor. Now!

No One saved a life, without first acknowledging (consciously or unconsciously) that they were willing to forfeit their own lives for the sake of another.

No One created a substantial fortune, without first risking, and in many cases, sacrificing all of it. And as hard as it is to fathom, most fortunes are made in the service of others; providing goods and services to those who might not be able to provide that product or service for themselves.

No One has gained true honor, without first exhibiting great humility.  If you do not know what it is like to be the lowest of the low, while still humbly serving and honoring others, including those in authority over you, then you will never know the great responsibility carried by those who are worthy of true honor.

None of these virtues can be bought.

None of these values can be given.

ALL of these values must be earned by putting them into practice now… for the benefit of our posterity.

The Founders knew what was at stake when they signed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution: They knew they were going to sacrifice their Lives, their Fortunes, their Sacred Honor. They didn’t sacrifice everything for their own benefit. Nothing they did was for themselves….

They sacrificed everything for us… for NOW.

For now. We are their posterity.

While you’re pondering that idea, think about how we as a nation, are showing our appreciation for the sacrifices made by those who gave it all so that you and I can live free.

How are we vigilantly guarding, protecting and honoring our freedoms and liberties? Are you willing to sacrifice your life, fortune and sacred honor for future generations you will never know? What will you do? Where will you stand in your lifetime, that will give future generations pause to remember and honor… you?


The Founders sacrificed everything… for an IDEA.

Everything was on the line.

They did what they did… for Us.

For Today.

For Now.


Where would YOU have stood if you were them? Where do you stand now? What will the generations that come say about you, after you are dead and gone?

Will they say anything at all?

Or will they share the sentiment of Sam Adams?

If you love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace.

We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.

~ Samuel Adams

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